
How many counselling sessions will I need?

Starting on a journey toward self-discovery and healing is a courageous step, and if you’re contemplating seeking the support of a counsellor, you’ve already demonstrated incredible strength. Life’s rollercoasters can often leave us feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, or even lost, and acknowledging the need for help is a powerful act of self-care.

As someone who understands the complexities of navigating through challenging times, I want to share insights that could guide you through the process of considering and eventually beginning your counselling.  It’s natural to have questions and concerns about the unknown, be it the number of sessions, the cost, or what happens if I need to cancel my session.

In this blog, we’ll explore these aspects together, shedding light on what to expect, how to prepare for your sessions, and addressing any financial concerns you may have.  I will provide some guidance on how to make the most out of your counselling journey, ensuring that it becomes a valuable and transformative experience.

Remember, reaching out for help is a testament to your resilience and a crucial investment in your well-being. Together, let’s unravel the potential of counselling as a tool for personal growth, empowerment, and the pursuit of a more fulfilling life.

I think you might agree that life can be a bit of a rollercoaster.  Do you feel there are times when you are going through more downs than ups and that you have finally got to a point of admitting to yourself that you are struggling?

Or perhaps someone close to you has noticed that you are not quite yourself and that you might need some professional help?

Reaching out to a counsellor is a brave step and you may have lots of questions before you feel ready for that step:

  • How much will the sessions cost?
  • How many sessions will you need?
  • How long are the sessions?
  • Will you be limited to how many or how few sessions you can have?

Take a read as I discuss how many counselling sessions you might need, and I offer some advice on how to help you make the most of your counselling.


You have decided to have some counselling and you are about to come for your first session

Before you come for counselling you may likely be feeling confused, uncertain, anxious or worried about what will be expected of you once you walk into my counselling room.

What will we talk about?  How long will it take before you are feeling better?

Coming for counselling is a bit of a leap of faith. I know that it takes some courage and I’m writing to give you a better idea of what’s going to be expected of you.

It is important that you know from the start that I am here to listen and support you.  I won’t be giving you advice or telling you what to do.  I follow a professional code of ethics and what we talk about is strictly confidential.

We just take it a step at a time.

You are in control over what you want to talk about, and as importantly, what you don’t want to talk about.


You are in control

Many people do not feel they have the courage to seek counselling.  You can already give yourself a pat on the back for having got this far and having decided to reach out.

What you choose to talk about (or not talk about) is up to you.

At our first session, I will ask you to think about what you are hoping for from the counselling and I will check in with you each session to see what would be helpful for us to explore.  I do not have an agenda other than to support you as best as I can.


Do you have a limited budget?

If, understandably, you have concerns about how much time or money you need to commit to, we can talk about that.

I usually suggest that after the initial session when I find out about you and what has brought you to counselling, that we have between 3-4 sessions after that and then have a review.

This review is when we step back to see whether the counselling has been helpful so far and how you would like to continue.  There are various options for how to proceed from there:

  • Some people will put aside money for say, a block of six sessions, to focus on a particular problem. The number of sessions depends on what you have come to counselling for.
  • Others will decide to move from weekly to fortnightly sessions, to spread the cost over a longer period of time.
  • Or you may feel that having counselling on a longer-term basis offers you the opportunity to explore things in greater depth. You may decide that you want to invest time and money to have ongoing sessions to support your mental health and wellbeing.

There is no right or wrong way – it is very much your choice and what feels right for you, your circumstances, and your budget. And again, I am here to support you and will join you in whatever way suits you best.

Each counselling session lasts for 50 minutes and is usually held on a weekly basis. Once you decide to go ahead with counselling, your regular counselling time will be yours for as long as you wish to attend the sessions.


If you can’t attend a session

Most counsellors have a cancellation policy.  So do I.

I require you to give me a minimum of 24 hours’ notice.  This can be by phone, text or email.  I will discuss this with you at our first session.



In conclusion, taking the step to seek counselling is a brave and commendable decision that signifies a commitment to your mental well-being.  As you embark on this journey, remember that you are in control of what you choose to discuss.  Whether grappling with budget constraints or uncertainties about the number of sessions needed, open communication with your counsellor can help tailor the sessions to your needs.

Understanding the cancellation policy is an essential aspect of your counselling commitment. Open communication about any scheduling concerns ensures a collaborative and respectful therapeutic relationship.  Remember, counselling is a collaborative effort, and your counsellor is there to support you every step of the way. As you engage in this process, may it be a transformative and empowering experience, contributing positively to your mental health and overall well-being.

So, if you are ready to take a first step, please contact me:

Tel:  07866-960396


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