What is Psychosynthesis?

Psychosynthesis is recognised world-wide as a model of human development and potential. Also known as \”psychology with a soul\” one of its main principles is that each and every one of us has a purpose in life. This purpose can be compared to a journey in that we move forward along the path of life in our own special way, and that we are always in the process of becoming who we really are. Each step along the way contains the possibility of realising our potential.

Psychosynthesis was founded by an Italian called Roberto Assagioli (1888-1974) at the beginning of the 20th century. He had trained as a psychoanalyst but also had an interest in the esoteric. The more he worked with people in analysis, the more he felt there was something missing, some vital aspect of a person that was not being honoured or addressed in any way.

Psychosynthesis embraces the whole person: mind, body and feelings – and in addition it explores those areas that we would call spiritual (the missing factor as identified by Assagioli).

Psychosynthesis is not a religion and nor does it impose any form of doctrine or belief system upon the person using it. However, it can become a way of life, as one of its greatest qualities is that it recognises that each of us is constantly growing and it is founded on the belief that all human life has purpose and meaning.

Since Assagioli\’s death in 1974, Psychosynthesis has grown world-wide and there are now training centres in many countries in the world, and Psychosynthesis practitioners in all walks of life including teachers, business people and doctors. All the signs suggest that Psychosynthesis is continuing to grow, for unlike some other similar methods for personal development, it is not a finished system but one that is willing to change and grow as the world changes and grows.

If you would like some more information, please feel free to contact me:



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