Being Alone at Christmas

Are you thinking of the perfect family Christmas?  Twinkly houses, roaring fires, everyone smiling lovingly at each other whilst taking a family walk in Christmas jumpers after lunch.  

Or was that a Christmas advert?   

When images of perfect families and great friends are all around us, what happens when you are about to spend Christmas on your own?

Here are some suggestions just for you

Make the day yours

There are many reasons you might be spending Christmas on your own, some through choice and some not.  

Whatever the reason make it as indulgent as possible. 

The beauty of time alone is you don\’t have to fit in with what anyone else wants to do, you have a total free rein and because it\’s Christmas you can indulge without feeling that you should be working, cleaning, or cooking.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Buy that book you\’ve been meaning to read and immerse yourself in it
  • Do something creative – play a musical instrument, write, draw / paint
  • Turn off the TV and enjoy the silence, or listen to your favourite music
  • Binge watch that series you\’ve not had time to see yet
  • Take yourself for a walk and breathe in the fresh air
  • Cook yourself your favourite meal, or find a recipe you\’d like to try
  • Take a nap
  • Put together a day that\’s totally yours, plan it and make it a day to look forward to 

But what if I get lonely?

If you are going to be alone and you worry about feeling lonely, as well as indulging yourself you might want to put together a support list.  

  • Arrange to call or Zoom or FaceTime with friends.  If you are worried you will be a burden, you won\’t be I can almost guarantee they will be pleased to speak to you.  Don\’t assume everyone else is having a perfect Christmas, they probably need a break too. Consider it mutual support
  • Use social media and forums to communicate with others
  • Meditate.  If you are new to meditation, I\’d recommend a guided meditation – Tara Brach is very good, and has many to choose from, some just 5 minutes, some 30 minutes or longer.
  • Make a list of helpline numbers like the Samaritans in advance for if things get really tough. You may not need them, but if you do, they will be at hand. And most importantly USE THEM IF YOU NEED TO. 
  • You have a choice: You can dread spending Christmas on your own, or you can reframe it to be a day to immerse yourself into total indulgence. Plan it, prepare it, and then enjoy it. 

If you know someone spending Christmas on their own, be a friend and share this.  Or, if they would like to contact me directly, here are my details:
