Are you struggling with a sudden or unwanted change or loss of any kind?

Please take a read of my blogs which I hope will help you manage things a bit better and give you confidence that you are getting your life back on track.

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Being Alone at Christmas

Are you thinking of the perfect family Christmas?  Twinkly houses, roaring fires, everyone smiling lovingly at ...
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Feeling overwhelmed? 

Here we are in November and back in January I wrote that the last couple of ...
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5 things not to say to someone who is grieving

Why do I worry about what I say? Many of us may find it awkward when ...
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What is Psychosynthesis?

Psychosynthesis is recognised world-wide as a model of human development and potential. Also known as \"psychology ...
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Counselling therapy room Newhaven

What will happen in your first counselling session?

If you have got this far, then it is likely that we have already had a ...
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New Year’s Resolutions?

Are you having trouble sticking to your New Year’s resolutions? Don’t worry – you are not ...
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"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts."

- Arnold Bennett

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