How to Create a Positive Morning Routine During a Time of Loss or Change

Do you wake up feeling overwhelmed by a loss or a change in your circumstances?

Starting your day on a positive note can often feel like a challenge.

This is particularly true when you have lost someone you cared about, or faced a significant change, or are simply navigating the ups and downs of daily life.

Establishing a morning routine might seem like a small thing.  However, it can make a world of difference.

Imagine waking up feeling calm and centred, rather than overwhelmed and hopeless. A positive morning routine isn’t just about ticking off tasks; it’s about creating a sanctuary of time for yourself, setting a gentle pace before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. This sacred time can be incredibly grounding and empowering, especially when you’re dealing with loss or major life changes.

In this blog, we will look at the importance of sleep to your overall wellbeing and we will explore some suggestions which will help you start your day in a positive way.

We will look into why having a simple morning routine can provide stability and security when everything else feels uncertain. Whether you are  a morning person or a night owl, these tips and insights are designed to help you cultivate a morning routine that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit.

So, grab a cup of your favourite morning beverage and take a few minutes to see how you can transform your mornings – and your life – one positive step at a time.

Starting your morning routine…..the night before

Get Enough Sleep

Before you can begin with a new, healthy morning routine, you need to have a well-rested body and mind. The way you think and feel while you are awake depends in part on your sleeping habits.

If you have experienced a loss of any kind or are going through a big change in your life, it is likely that you will not be sleeping very well.  You are then in danger of beginning your day feeling exhausted and anxious.

When we sleep, our body is working to support a healthy brain function and maintain our physical health.  In fact, sleep plays such a vital role in maintaining our physical well-being, mental clarity, and quality of life that if we do not get enough sleep (typically this means 6 to 8 hours of restful sleep each night) this can have adverse effects on our overall health—and how well we think, react, work, learn, and get along with others.

If you are finding you are not getting enough quality sleep, take a look at the advice from The Sleep Charity:


Morning Routine

“How you start your day is how you live your day” (Louise Hay).

When you start your day after a night of restful sleep, you will wake feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day, starting with your new morning habits.  Here are some suggestions for you to try:

  • Wake up earlier

Ok, you may not relish the thought of getting up earlier, particularly on a dark winter’s morning, but just 10 minutes can make an enormous difference to your day.

Waking earlier means you won’t have to rush;  it can reduce your stress and can help you feel calmer.

  • Drink water

Your body has just been through 8 hours without any water and so it needs re hydrating.  It need not be cold straight from the fridge, which may be too shocking for the system.  Instead, add a slice of lemon to a glass of warm water.  This will help remove toxins from your digestive tract that may have built up overnight and stimulate your metabolism and digestion.

  • Move Your Body

Exercise – may sound a bit too strenuous or off-putting.

So, help your body wake up by moving it, and it can be at any level you want.  From gentle stretching, to yoga, or a walk round the block or in your local park.

It doesn’t have to be complicated or take too much time, but doing some sort of physical movement will get your blood flowing and help quiet any mental chatter.

  • Self-Care

Putting time and effort into your appearance can help you build up your self-confidence.

​So, shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and apply any other hygiene/grooming habits that make you feel good about yourself.

This may involve choosing your clothes the night before – whatever makes you feel like you are taking care of your health and of your appearance, will help you feel more confident.

  • Breakfast

Studies have show that when people eat breakfast, things like concentration, memory, and energy all improve.  On the other hand, when we skip breakfast of any type – this increases the probability of depression, stress and psychological distress.

It may be tempting to skip breakfast, particularly if your grief or anxiety is impacting your appetite.  However, eating a healthy breakfast will prevent you from grabbing a sugary snack mid-morning which will have a negative  impact on your energy levels and your mood.

  • Write your “To-Do” List

Just take a few minutes to write down your “to-do” list for the day ahead.  Try not to put too many items down – as this may feel unachievable and overwhelming.  Prioritise, and get the most pressing items done first.

Instead of keeping your “to-do” list in your head – write it down.  This can help remove unnecessary stress.  You also give yourself a sense of purpose each day when you know what needs to be done.  There is something satisfying when you cross items off your list – it really helps you feel a sense of accomplishment.

  • What Are You Grateful For?

So much has been written about the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal.  Many recommend that the best time is to do this at the beginning of the day.

An attitude of gratitude makes you more aware of the good things in your life.  This upbeat, positive outlook helps to keep anxiety and worry at bay.

Try to make a habit of every morning, jotting down two to three things in your life for which you’re thankful, or which uplifts you.

  • Lighting a Candle Every Morning

The ritual of lighting a candle to pay tribute to someone we loved and cared for who has died, can be comforting and reassuring for us when we are grieving.  It is a ritual that I personally find very helpful.  At the beginning of our day, we remember those we have lost and by doing that can keep their memory alive.

Lighting a candle can help us start our day in a calmer and more peaceful way.

Embracing the Power of a Positive Morning Routine

We have looked at how a good night’s sleep and a positive morning routine can help make your mornings a little brighter and more intentional. Establishing a positive morning routine is more than just a series of tasks—it’s a commitment to yourself, a daily act of self-love that can anchor you whatever life throws at you.

During times of loss and change, it’s easy to feel adrift, overwhelmed by emotions and uncertainty. But by dedicating a few moments each morning to practices that uplift and centre you, you can create a sense of stability and peace. These small, positive steps can help you face the day with a bit more strength, resilience, and hope.

Remember, it’s not about getting it right every day. Some mornings will be easier than others, and that’s perfectly okay. What matters is showing up for yourself, taking those first gentle steps, and allowing your morning routine to be a source of comfort and empowerment.

I hope you will give some of these suggestions a go and see how they transform your mornings—and your days.  You may also wish to share some things that you do that have been helpful.  I would love to hear how a positive morning routine is making a difference in your life.

Ready to transform your mornings?  Then please contact me now to see how I may help.

Tel: 07866-960396


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